“Exploring unconventional insurance policies: From insuring alien abductions to protecting against zombie apocalypses.”

Exploring Unconventional Insurance Policies: From Insuring Alien Abductions to Protecting Against Zombie Apocalypses


Insurance is typically seen as a means of safeguarding against common risks, such as accidents, thefts, or natural disasters. However, there are some individuals and organizations that have taken a step beyond the conventional, insuring against events that are far from the ordinary. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of unconventional insurance policies, exploring the bizarre, intriguing, and sometimes downright absurd risks that people are willing to protect themselves from. From alien abductions to zombie apocalypses, let’s unravel the mysteries and peculiarities of these extraordinary insurance policies.

Insuring Against Alien Abductions

The Phenomenon of Alien Abductions

Alien abductions have been a topic of fascination and intrigue for years. While the actual existence of extraterrestrial beings remains a subject of debate, some individuals genuinely fear the possibility of being abducted by aliens. This fear has led to the emergence of insurance policies specifically designed to offer protection against this unlikely event.

Alien Abduction Insurance Policies

Believe it or not, there are insurance providers that offer policies covering alien abductions. One such company, the Saint Lawrence Agency in Florida, claims to have sold thousands of policies since its inception in 1987. These policies typically provide financial compensation to policyholders in the event that they can provide substantial evidence of an alien abduction. The claims process may involve providing evidence like eyewitness testimonies, polygraph tests, or even photographic proof.

The Purpose and Controversy

While insuring against alien abductions may seem amusing to some, it serves as a source of comfort for individuals who genuinely fear this unlikely event. However, critics argue that such policies exploit the fears and beliefs of vulnerable individuals, often operating without proper regulation or oversight. Regardless of the controversy, alien abduction insurance policies continue to exist, captivating the interest of those who are fascinated by the unknown.

Protection from Zombie Apocalypses

The Popularity of Zombie Apocalypses

Zombies have been a popular subject in books, movies, and television shows, with countless portrayals of apocalyptic scenarios caused by the undead. Surprisingly, this fascination has led to the creation of insurance policies offering protection against the fictional threat of a zombie apocalypse.

Zombie Apocalypse Insurance Policies

Several insurance companies, such as Lloyd’s of London, have introduced policies specifically catering to the fear of a zombie apocalypse. These policies typically cover costs related to survival kits, emergency supplies, and even bunker construction. Some policies may also offer compensation for injuries sustained during a zombie attack or loss of personal property.

The Fun and Entertainment

The concept of insuring against a zombie apocalypse is often seen as a quirky and light-hearted form of entertainment. These policies serve more as a novelty or a gag gift than a serious means of protecting against a genuine threat. They have thrived on the popularity of zombie culture, offering enthusiasts an opportunity to embrace their fascination while enjoying a sense of humor.


Unconventional insurance policies, such as those covering alien abductions and zombie apocalypses, offer a glimpse into the diverse range of fears, interests, and curiosities that exist among individuals. While some may dismiss these policies as absurd or unnecessary, they provide comfort and peace of mind to those who genuinely worry about such unlikely events. Regardless of whether you consider these policies as a form of entertainment, a financial safety net, or exploitation of fears, they certainly add an element of intrigue to the world of insurance.


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